Currently Recruiting
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Pilot
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive neurostimulation method that uses a strong and focused magnetic field to induce temporary alterations in brain activity. Modern TMS systems can affect the activity of specific brain regions, producing brief changes in cognitive activity.
TMS has been studied elsewhere for its potential role in treating several neuropsychiatric conditions. Specifically, previous studies have found that TMS affected mental illness by inhibiting or enhancing certain types of brain activity.

Dr. Michael Thomas demoing TMS on grad student, Emily Sturm
This study aims to establish optimal neurostimulation design parameters for TMS research, in other words, we are improving our ability to use this system for research here at Colorado State University. The study will entail a single visit consisting of two 20-minute TMS sessions. During each TMS session participants will perform tests of memory and attention.
Participants Must Be:
- Undergraduate students with no major medical or psychiatric problems
- Without any metal, electrical implants, pacemakers, medical infusion devices, or non-removable jewelry in the body (braces are fine)
- Without a history of seizures/epilepsy or fainting
- $25/study appointment or 1.0 credit hour
If interested in participating in this study, please call (970) 491-6458 OR email for more information and eligibility
Inactive/ Previous
Cognitive Computerized Adaptive Testing (CogCAT)
CogCAT aims to improve measures of cognition that are used to study psychiatric disorders. Specifically, the results from this study assists in developing and testing new computerized measures of cognitive functioning.
This study involves an interview about your mental health history, a self-report assessment of physical health history, and a urine screen to test for pregnancy and substance use (both of which must be negative to participate). Participants will also complete cognitive assessments and undergo a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.
To participate, you must first complete a 15-minute phone call. Those who are eligible for the full study will complete two visits each lasting approximately 4 hours for the first visit and 3 hours for the second visit. Participants must be adults between the ages of 18 and 70 without major hearing or visual problems and no metal or electronic devices inside their body

Lab members presenting cogCAT research at the Front Range Neuroscience Group Conference 12/15/2022
Compensation Will Be:
- $25 per hour, $100 after visit 1 and $75 after visit 2
- $175 in total
People who are interested in participating in this study can call (970) 491-6458 or email for more information.
Future Brains: Cognitive Engagement in Aging
The Future Brains study investigates relationships between education, occupation, and cognitive aging. Participating in this study involves a prescreening phone call, approximately 1-hour online survey, and if you qualify you may be invited for an in-person visit which includes cognitive testing and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

Lab member undergoing an MRI scan at the Translational Medicine Institute (CSU)
Participants Must Be:
- Healthy adults aged 18-80
- Without major hearing or visual problems
- Able to speak English fluently
The Study Will Entail:
- Completion of a survey measure designed to assess educational and occupational history
- Completion of a series of cognitive tests
- An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan that lasts approximately one hour
- $15 electronic gift card for completion of the ~1-hour survey
- $25 per hour for the in-person visit, up to $100 total for the visit
Brain and Lifestyle mechanisms of Healthy Cognitive Aging (BrainFit)
BrainFit examines brain structure and function related to physical activity, in conjunction with cognitive functioning in older adults and individuals exposed to agriculture environments. Neuropsychological assessments of mental abilities (e.g., memory) are completed in order to characterize cognitive functioning in the first appointment visit. Then, participants wear an accelerometer device for 7 days, measuring physical activity levels. Finally, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will examine physical brain health in the second appointment visit.

Lab members presenting Brainfit research at the Front Range Neuroscience Group Conference 12/15/2022
This study consists of two visits, each lasting approximately 2.5 hours long. Participants must be healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 80 without major hearing or visual problems and no metal or electronic devices inside their body. Prior to participation a 15 minute phone call is required to determine eligibility.
Participants Must Be:
- Healthy adults aged 85 years and younger with no major medical or psychiatric problems
- Without major hearing or visual problems
- Agricultural workers (e.g., ranchers, farmers, dairy, cannabis, greenhouse workers, etc…)
- Non-agricultural workers are permitted
The Study Will Entail:
- Completion of a series of cognitive tests
- An MRI scan that lasts approximately one hour
- Wearing a physical activity monitor for 7 days
- $20 per hour, up to $120 total
- Participation will last up to 6 hours over 2 study visits
Malleability of Brain Systems that Mediate Wisdom and Reflective Thinking (Wisdom Study)
The Wisdom Study aims to assess brain indicators of healthy aging. We are recruiting healthy adults aged 85 years and younger with no major medical or psychiatric problems without major hearing or visual problems.
To participate, you must complete one 15-minute phone call to answer some questions to ensure you are eligible to participate. Those who are eligible will complete 1 visit lasting approximately 3 hours. During the visit you will be asked to complete an online survey about your work history and demographics, be administered a series of measures designed to assess your physical and mental health as well as cognitive functioning, and have 1-hour magnetic resonance imaging or MRI scan. The study will take place at the State University Translation Medicine Institute in Fort Collins.
Compensation Will Be:
- $20 per hour, $60 in total.